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Seven steps to effective video analytics implementation
Our experience in installing video analytics systems
Video analytics will renew your business, help reduce losses. Optimization of business processes, a barrier to fraud, accurate marketing data, a new level of security – all this is already available! All you need to do is to choose an adequate offer on the video analytics market.

This document concentrates our experience in installing video analytics systems. It describes the steps you will definitely need to go through. The document will help you avoid wasting time and money on your way to implementing video analytics.

Step one. Control list

Let's get away from flashy posters with "unique super-analytics" and "all-seeing technologies". We try to understand and fix what exactly is planned to control with the help of video analytics.
This is important because there are no universal systems that control everything under all conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a system that is adequate to your task, with customization specifically for your company. Obviously, without a clear list of controlled business processes it is impossible to do this.

Step two. Business process regulations

The essence of the step is that for robotic control using video images, it is necessary to have a clearly defined "norm" of the controlled business process, or in other words, its regulations. This allows to set and formalize control parameters, signs of events, etc.

Here it is important that the regulations should not be written on paper, but real. It really has to define the actions of the company's employees at the controlled objects.

If there are no such regulations, you have to develop and implement them. You can't do anything without it!

Step three. Evaluate the capabilities of your own equipment

The result is a significant reduction in financial costs.

The need for such a step is due to the market strategy of many companies offering the implementation of neural network video analytics. They rigidly link innovation with the installation of new video surveillance system elements. Moreover, it is not uncommon that with this approach, ordinary cameras suddenly become highly intelligent and get a price tag that is three times higher than the cost of analogs that are not branded with artificial intelligence.

To avoid such significant overpayments, you need to assess the capabilities of your own equipment. You just need to determine the type of cameras - IP or analog, in the existing video surveillance infrastructure. Depending on the result there will be two options:

  • (a) Analog type. Upgrading to IP cameras is inevitable;

  • (b) Digital type. You should open the archive and establish whether there are recordings of the processes to be monitored (see "step one"). If there are such recordings with sufficient resolution (you can see the necessary details), then congratulations! Your video surveillance system allows you to implement neural network analytics without a significant upgrade of the final equipment (cameras).

Step four. Preparing for contact with a potential contractor

This step contains a tactical technique that allows you to evaluate the prospects of cooperation with a potential contractor. To implement the technique, it is necessary to prepare video fragments of the processes that are supposed to be sent to the neurorobot for cross-checking (see "Step Three", point b). These fragments will make the negotiation substantive and help to bring the positions closer together more quickly. At the same time, it is important that they should be in a "native", not compressed format (resolution).
Lack of interest in the archive fragments should be considered a significant disadvantage of the potential partner, it is necessary to take a critical approach to the possibility of such cooperation.

Step five. Evaluate the timeline for implementing video analytics

Briefly, the idea of this point can be expressed by a formula:

expectation vs reality

In practice, the left side of the formula is often made up of the customer's and contractor's desire to get results faster. The result is a common false belief that "everything will work soon. In reality, project timelines are highly dependent on three things:
    • 1
      the complexity of the tasks to be solved;
    • 2
      the experience of the contractor;
    • 3
      the contractor's level of communication with the IT Service and the Customer's Security Service.
    There is no rigid classification of tasks by deadlines, but you can get a general idea of some tasks:

    a) control of the movement of people and/or machines can be integrated within 1-2 weeks; provided you have a sane IT service and security on your side

    b) control of cash area: pilot phase (3-4 cameras) at least one month (timeframe for subsequent cameras is much shorter)

    c) non-trivial cases, such as video analytics on the technological area in mechanical engineering, control in a casino with the identification of cheaters and qualification of their actions require at least several months.

    Step six. Figuring out the report format

    The purpose of this step is to result in reports with the required information in a suitable and auditable format.

    This step is also related to the market practice of a number of service providers. For example, a group of companies offers services in the field of retail. The services include facial recognition for traffic recording, control of repeated visits and the facial database is limited to 10 employees of the firm. Why only 10? Because an increase in the facial base by at least 2 times would require an order of magnitude more complex algorithms.

    As a result, the reports from such contractors contain a photo of each entrance (can be solved by the regular features of the budget camera), but the graphs of repeat visits are abstract. In fact, instead of personalizing traffic and analytics on repeat visits, such companies give customers graphs with information that cannot be verified.
    Demand a report with 100% verifiable information!

    Step seven. Advantageous order of payment.

    This paragraph is about the traditional choice: software purchase or subscription fee? It's up to you, but keep in mind that subscriptions have been winning in the software world for a long time now. In addition, experience shows that the choice in favor of subscription fees makes the contractor much more loyal in fixing bugs and support.

    Special step, no number. Expert consultation

    The step is remarkable because it significantly shortens the path to a rational implementation of a customized video analytics system. Even a brief consultation with our expert allows you to classify your task, get answers on the hardware (upgrade, server, cloud service). In addition, you will get important guidance on the timing and cost of the project.

    All consultations are free of charge. Contact our experts as much as you need, and use the practical experience of successful projects. We will be glad to help you!
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