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Why don't many companies need a video analytics system
Why are video analytics systems installed? It's simple, one of the reasons is to minimize all possible violations of personnel, including outright theft. As a result, such a company increases profits and strengthens its image in the eyes of customers. However, there are cases where investing in this method of business control is simply pointless. We have described such cases so that you can make a really weighted decision whether you need video analytics or not.
We divided all cases into the following criteria:

But before we go through each of these points, let's clarify what we mean by video analytics system, or rather what tasks it undertakes. Let us take our video analytics system Cyber Vision Control as an example:
  • 1
    Detection of all types of fraud (including theft) which can be visually detected;
  • 2
    Detection of all violations of company's regulations, rules and norms which can also be visually detected
  • 3
    Collection of marketing data, in particular on the behavior of visitors and/or customers.

In the "Cases" section we described how Cyber Vision Control successfully copes with these tasks at specific enterprises of absolutely different industries: from a small beauty salon to complex production. There is also shown in figures the economic feasibility of using the CVC system.

But back to the question "What enterprises do not need to install video analytics".

The level of the company: production volume, number of employees, budget volume
So, video analytics is hardly necessary if you have a very small business. It could be anything — a blacksmith shop in your garage, a clothes and shoes mending shop, imprinting on fabric, restoring things, making toys, carving wood, and all that sort of thing on a small scale. At the same time you have 1-3 people, the profits are stable, but small.

In this case, to monitor you can put one video camera or even a "camera-blank", so that your employees were doing their job, as they say, "on the conscience.

As for collecting data on the behavior of visitors - it's so simple that you can get by with a survey of staff or data from an ordinary camera.
In other words, video analytics is not necessary for a very small business, where the implementation of personnel control is not difficult for the manager, and the company's income is so small that it is not economically feasible to invest in such technology.
Features of company management
The question of installing video analytics can be removed from the agenda in those companies where the manager has introduced a rigid system of meetings and reports, and where there is no need to control the process, but only the result is important. And this result is defined by reports. And the manager no longer cares how the result is achieved.

The CEO of such a company just needs to answer the question, "Are you sure that the reports are truly objective and there is no need to double-check them?" If the answer is yes, then there is no need for video analytics.

For example, imagine a sales department office consisting of sales managers whose job is to develop the distribution network of their company. Agree that in terms of controlling the result, the manager has little interest in what time managers come in and out of the office, how often they go out for a break, and whether they work at a computer at all. If the employees regularly conclude contracts and fulfill their plans - then let them sit in the smoking room all day long.
Video analytics is not necessary if the manager/owner believes that everything he has planned in his enterprise is executed and works as he expects. In this case the manager is not interested in the process of achieving the result by his employees.
Activity and specialization of the company
Video analytics is definitely not needed for companies whose core staff works remotely. And considering that nowadays in the conditions of pandemic many companies change the format of work and switch to remote work, then think about it, maybe you will come to this soon? If you decide to create a remote team and conduct meetings with your team via Skype, then of course you don't need video analytics.

For example it would hardly be necessary for the IT-companies where the core of your team is consisted of the freelancers, or if the employees' work is based on the principle of accomplishing particular tasks. As the saying goes: "Done - got paid. "Didn't do it - No problem either." In such situations, there is simply no need to introduce video analytics, as the results of personnel activity are tracked in other accounting systems.
Video analytics is not necessary for companies working with their team in a remote format.

Situations in which the system will not be able to solve its main tasks (detect, recognize, warn)
There are cases when even our advanced Cyber Vision Control system can't get the job done. Yes, this is also possible. And such situations can occur in a company of any size and in any field of activity.

Example 1. There are no regulations in the company or no one knows about their existence. The fact is that we have repeatedly encountered the situation of our customers, when the employees of their company have no idea about the existence of any rules and regulations. Moreover, even middle managers and heads of departments are not always aware of how things should be "right. Business processes in such companies are implemented either at the discretion of the employee or intuitively. And this is a huge stumbling block for the introduction of video analytics. The principle of video analytics is to detect deviations, but to detect the deviation one should understand what is the rule. In such cases video analytics is powerless.

Example 2. Specific tasks a manager wants to solve. Well, for example, you want to make sure that your accountant or finance department doesn't "cheat" with documents. Here it is not at all clear what to identify - what visual action indicates a deviation? Examples of such situations abound, and not in all cases we can think of what exactly should be fixed and what to analyze.

Example 3. The violations happen out of camera's sight. For example, there are no cameras in the premises or the premises are not visible. Respectively, the violation cannot be captured, so it cannot be recognized by the video analytics.

Please note that when implementing CVC system at the stage of researching the situation of our customers, we always analyze where and what should be seen by video cameras for the best solution of the client's problem.
Personal qualities of a manager
A manager is also a person, and like any person he has his own weaknesses and views on building relationships with his staff. We don't think we need to explain that the system only detects violations, but it cannot conduct an educational conversation with an employee or make a decision to fire him. And this is where not all company directors are capable of making tough decisions. If you recognize your qualities in the following list, you probably shouldn't start implementing video analytics.

  • The director is not prepared for the consequences (penalties, dismissals and fines) if serious violations by employees are discovered. Remember that a violation that is detected but left unpunished can make the situation worse. After all, previously the staff thought that the director was just unaware of their liberties, now they know that he just chickened out of going into a direct conflict with them. The employees will understand the impunity, and then the effect will be the opposite. Of course, the degree of punishment is determined by the director (well, or it is spelled out in the rules of the company), but in any case, the punishment must be. If you are not psychologically prepared for potential conflicts, then leave everything as it is, and live in a land of roses.

  • The manager does not want to "offend" the staff with his distrust and suspicion. We are all human and want to be loved and appreciated. If you are worried that the staff will think badly of you, that you "God forbid, could assume that one of them works badly or breaks the company rules," then you shouldn't start either. After all, what if afterwards you have to fire some of them...
And finally...
We have identified all companies and situations where video analytics is not required. In all other cases, however, implementing such a system is more than a necessity. Your competitors are not standing still, and those who ignore the requirements of the digitalization era, and therefore cannot switch to proactive management, are likely to stagnate.

Well, if you are not sure about your case and would like to calculate the economic feasibility of investing in this system for your company, then call - we will be happy to assess your situation and give our recommendations.

And for a start, take a look at what CVC's neural network video analytics system offers for various business sectors, you'll be impressed with its capabilities.
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